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    彰化銀行 董事長
    台新金融控股股份有限公司 總經理
    台新國際商業銀行 副董事長
    台新票券金融公司 董事長
    台灣高速鐵路公司 財務長
    美國商業銀行松山分行 總經理


  新光金控成立於 2002 年 2 月 19 日 ,總部位於台北市金融地標-新光人壽保險摩天大樓。公司不僅注重永續經營,亦用心於企業社會責任公司治理等範疇。現旗下轄有新光人壽、新光銀行、新光投信、新光金保代及新光金創投等子公司,致力提供客戶最完善之金融服務。

  新光金控金融版圖完整 ,旗下子公司提供壽險、銀行、證券、基金及產險等商品及服務,透過新光人壽遍佈全省 324 個分支機構、新光銀行 106 家分行,直接服務新光集團 500 多萬客戶。

  在國外佈局方面,新光人壽與中國海航集團於中國合資之新光海航人壽於 2009 年 4 月正式營運,總部設於北京,並於海南及陜西設有分公司,期以穩健的策略逐步拓展中國市場。新光銀行在香港設有分行據點,未來將以香港為基礎服務海外台商客戶。新光金創投透過第三地百分之百轉投資於新光租賃,總部設於蘇州,期以租賃公司營運經驗,做為未來新光銀行進入中國市場設立分、子行之發展基礎。另外,看中未來東南亞區域的成長潛力,銀行及壽險在越南均設有代表處。


  Shin Kong Financial Holding (SKFH) was established on February 19, 2002. It is headquartered at the Shin Kong Life Tower, a financial landmark building in Taipei. SKFH is committed to both sustainable operations and corporate social responsibility. Its subsidiaries Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (SKL), Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SKB), Shin Kong Investment Trust Co., Ltd. (SKIT), Shin Kong Property Insurance Agency Co., Ltd. (SKPIA), and Shin Kong Venture Capital International Co., Ltd. (SKVC) are also dedicated to providing customers with the best financial services.

  SKFH provides a full range of financial products and services through its subsidiaries in life insurance, banking, securities, asset management and non-life insurance brokerage and delivers these products through an extensive distribution network (including 324 outlets of SKL, and 106 branches of SKB) to 5 million customers.

  As for the development of overseas markets, SKL’s joint venture with China’s Hainan Airlines Group, “Shin Kong & HNA Life Insurance”, started to operate in Beijing in April 2009 and opened a Hainan branch in November 2010 and a Shaanxi branch in December 2011 to gradually develop the enormous China market. SKB has established its Hong Kong branch to facilitate services provided to overseas Taiwanese enterprises. SKVC invested in Shin Kong Leasing Corp., headquartered in Suzhou with 100% ownership, through a third-place company. The experience of managing the leasing company will pave the way for SKB to enter the China market by establishing branches or subsidiaries. SKFH has also set up banking and insurance offices in the high-potential market of Vietnam.

  For more than five decades, Shin Kong group has been cultivating markets, accumulating experience, and building a reputation for excellence, and therefore has received popular recognition. Going forward, the group will continue to provide customers with industry-leading financial services.

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